Reinventing the system to back the entrepreneurs of the future


We change systems

Village Capital experiments with different ways to support entrepreneurs by building and backing better support programs, creating and testing new investment structures and models, and developing new tools for entrepreneurs and funders alike.

to help entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs need a wide range of support to grow and scale, from capital access to skills training to network support and more. We build support pathways to meet entrepreneurs where they are, regardless of their demographic, location, or socioeconomic class.

that build a better world

Entrepreneurship is, at its core, problem-solving. We back the entrepreneurs that are solving the world’s biggest problems, who are creating measurable social or environmental impact through their profit models, and that have a model that can scale massively.

Real innovation comes from the edges of where systems break down - and systems like healthcare, financial services, education, and more have been failing women, rural communities, and people of color for a long time. Entrepreneurs can play a critical role in making systems that work better for everyone, but the way entrepreneurs are supported now limits their potential. Less than 10% of venture capital goes to female founders. Less than 3% goes to Black, Latinx, or Indigenous founders. Less than 25% in the US is deployed outside of New York, Massachusetts, or California. Village Capital changes who we’re supporting - and how - to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to solve the biggest problems we face as a society.


What I do at Village Capital

Building Partnerships for Scale

In my role as Senior Director of Partnerships with Village Capital, I lead the Partnerships Team, a multi-national group that builds coalitions of industry-leading foundations, corporations, and inspired families and individuals to support our organization. The partnerships that we develop go beyond only funding and focus on strategic value - both to our ourselves and to our partners. In this role, I’ve led and overseen the development of partnerships with IKEA Foundation, PayPal, Ford Foundation, JPM Chase, and dozens of others.

In my time with Village Capital, I’ve led the raise of over $35M in operational and investment capital, guided strategy as the company scaled from 5-50+ FTEs, led the development of the financial health practice (now our organization’s largest body of work), and have spearheaded the development of our multi-stakeholder flagship partnerships, including Resource.

I also help to shape Village Capital’s strategy and operations, helping our leadership make strategic decisions about issues from hiring to the development of regional offices to the creation of new lines of business and more. Prior to this role, I’ve held many positions from Finance Associate to Program Manager to Chief of Staff.

Previous roles with Village Capital


Chief of Staff (‘16-’17)

In this role, I aligned the human and strategic resources of Village Capital to the sustainable achievement of our mission and expansion of our organization. I provided critical path support to the CEO, managed key strategic partnerships, and supported the development and implementation of new organizational processes and structures.

Global Manager, Partnerships (‘15-‘16)

In this role, I led the development of strategic and philanthropic relationships that enabled Village Capital’s operations and growth. I led the creation and management of a cross-team partnerships process, managing a global team through a matrixed staffing structure to raise over $20 million in grant and investment capital.

Senior Program Associate (‘14-’15)

In this role, I led the design and implementation of several accelerator programs in close collaboration with senior leaders on the Village Capital team. This included founder sourcing, selection, and support; mentor network management and expansion; and program implementation, promotion, and reporting for programs in a wide range of sectors.

And others…

What people say about working with me

“I've had the pleasure of working with many talented people, and I'll be straightforward: Dustin is a standout. I particularly respect his determination to solve tough problems…”

— Rob Lalka, Executive Director, LePage Center for Entrepreneurship (former direct manager)

“Dustin is someone who frequently works behind the scenes and is willing to roll up his sleeves to get real work done…”

— Spencer Gordon, Business Development Manager, Miller Technologies (former colleague and coworker)