Dustin Shay

An entrepreneurial and mission-driven professional dedicated to the development of a more equitable society. Proven leadership, operational, and partnerships ability with unique insight, networks, and experience at the intersection of inclusive entrepreneurship and impact investing.

I believe human potential is limitless and that the biggest barriers we face are self-imposed. With intention and action, we can change our society for the better.


My Vision & Mission

I will create a more just and equitable world by eliminating the social and economic barriers that limit human potential.


What I’m doing right now


What I’ve been thinking about

Where I’ve been speaking

Background & History

I grew up being told that anyone could do anything if they worked hard at it. But, as I got older, I started to see and understand the difference between the ideals we profess and the society we have. So I decided to spend my life closing that gap in any way I could.

It was only in 2012 that I first heard the terms “impact investing” and “social entrepreneurship.” In a world where philanthropic capital is too limited to make true systems-level change and regulatory capability is hindered by political ambition, the idea of leveraging business to create positive environmental and social impact was fascinating.

I began exploring the potential of entrepreneurship to unlock change that matters - if not completely changing systems, then mitigating some of the biggest challenges of our time.

I’ve never looked back.


I began my impact journey at the Sorenson Impact Center in Salt Lake City in 2012, selected by Patrick Mullen and Lewis Hower to become one of only two undergraduates selected to participate in an impact investing internship designed to help students learn how to invest by investing actual funds. Under their guidance, I learned how to source potential investments, compile due diligence, negotiate deal terms, and present to our investment committee, catalyzing over $1 million in investments to early-stage impact ventures around the world.



In late 2013, I learned about Village Capital and joined as a Finance Associate on loan from the Sorenson Impact Center. Soon after, I was promoted to Program Manager of the world’s first financial health-focused accelerator, working with Gray Robinson and Lily Bowles to lead all aspects of program coordination and implementation. While leading this program, I continued my education with the University of Utah, and graduated with my Bachelor’s. As the program ended, I was asked to continue my time with Village Capital, joining a team of less than 10 other full-time team members to support the design and implementation of other accelerators in energy and healthcare, while expanding our financial health practice.



At the end of 2014, I transitioned from program management to strategy and partnerships development, moving to Washington, DC, to work with Rob Lalka, Daniel Hsu, and directly with Village Capital’s founder, Ross Baird, to expand the community of support around Village Capital’s work. During this time, I set and oversaw partnerships with industry leaders including PayPal, BlackRock, Blackstone Charitable Foundation, and others, securing over $15 million in grants.



In 2016, I was asked to become Chief of Staff to Ross, aligning our human capital and strategic resources to the fulfillment of our mission while continuing to expand our partner network. During this time, The Innovation Blind Spot was published, and Village Capital expanded to over 45 full time employees, and our annual budget increased to over $6 million.  



At the end of 2017, I became Director of Partnerships, overseeing Village Capital’s fundraising and partnerships development, and supporting Allie Burns as she became the new CEO and Ross transitioned to the Board. During this time, I created and led a decentralized partnerships process across a global, matrixed team and expanded our budget significantly.



In 2019, I moved to New York City, continuing my role as the Head of Partnerships and creating a dedicated Partnerships Team that includes Mai Le, Costanza Beltrame, and Fred Tan. In this role, I work alongside Heather Matranga (Head of Innovations) and Ben Wrobel (Head of Communications) on the Growth Team, led by Rob Tashima.

In addition to my work with Village Capital, I serve as a member of the Board of the Black Innovation Alliance and Culture Shifting Foundation, an Advisor to Black Women Talk Tech and Nav.it, and one of the first Venture Partners with Republic.